We will not be holding a meeting this month to prioritize the completion of roofing projects. Remember to stay safe out there!
Company News
September 1st, 2024
Upcoming Events
No Vision Talk This Month
Labor Day
Enjoy your day off with your family and friends this Labor Day!
Hopkins Roofing Ryder Cup
Join us for the 1st annual Hopkins Roofing Ryder Cup on Friday, September 13th at Bos Landen.
When: Friday, Sept. 13th at 8:30 am
Where: Bos Landen Golf Course
What: Lunch & Water provided
Who: Employees only
Apparel: Wear a polo of any kind
Awards to Follow
RSVP by TODAY – Email Krissie Now
Not a Golfer? Use a vacation day for a day off.
September Birthdays
Should you encounter any of the individuals listed below, take a moment to pause and wish them a happy birthday! 🥳
- Victor Milla | 9.4
- Krissie Kramer | 9.7
- Myles Stull | 9.11
- Jill Russell | 9.15
- Nick Ramsey | 9.17
- Rob Schaffner | 9.27
Is your birthday coming up?
If you haven’t already, please take a moment to complete the birthday questionnaire so we can celebrate your special day! 🎉
Team Updates
Employees who have moved on
Dustin Young, Sarah Young, Mike Sickels, Mike Hermsen, Jake Martin, Taylor Vande Lune, Reese Sarver, Jason Meyer, Tyce Sarver, Cashmere Wright & Mike Cranmer have moved on from Hopkins Roofing. We wish them the best in their future endeavors.
Employee Spotlight
Kenny Willemsen
Crew Member
Kenny has been reliable and adaptable, always ready to jump in and assist wherever needed without hesitation. His willingness to fill in on service and tackle various tasks, all without complaint, is truly appreciated.
Please contact Ashley for your free apparel item.
Have you noticed a coworker going above and beyond? Let your supervisor know so they can be recognized and receive a free apparel item!
Project Highlights
August Highlights
Fore! ⛳️ Our team isn’t just pros at raising the roof—they’re also experts at driving on the green!
Pace Golf Outing
Pella Wrestling Golf Tournament
Special Announcements
Golf at Bos Landen ⛳️
Book a tee time on us for FREE at Bos Landen Golf Club this summer! Email Krissie, and she will set it up for you in no time!
Free Water & New Ice Maker! 💧
Check out the cases of water in the Waard shop and the NEW ice maker in the warehouse. These were purchased just for YOU!
Please take these to job sites to keep yourselves cool, hydrated, and to save costs.
Injuries at Work 🩹
In the event of any injury on the job site, please contact Ashley immediately, regardless of the severity.
Hopkins Apparel Store
Have you checked out the Hopkins Roofing company apparel store? Follow the link provided to explore the store. Should you encounter any difficulties accessing it, kindly reach out to Ashley for assistance in setting up your account.
We Want to
Hear From You!
Do you have questions for your supervisor, HR, or CEO? We will answer them in the next company email or reach out to you personally.